We’re over a month into the semester so I thought it was time to do another one of these, life recently blog posts! There are no crazy insights or reflections in these type of posts, unlike my other ones. But, feel free to stick around if you just want to see a bit more of my life!
So it’s the beginning of senior year, what are some new trends, what have I been up to, and what am I loving (or not loving) recently?
Life so far this semester has been fun and exhausting. I will say that I think that it’s been exhausting mostly because of the marathon training that I’m doing. I’ve never quite pushed my body this far before and I’m really proud of the progress I’ve been making, but wow… I’m tired like all the time. I feel like an old grandma, I can not bring myself to stay up late on the weekends anymore and I’m constantly sore! Although, I will say that I have really been enjoying my training; while I have to force myself to get out of bed early on a Friday morning and do the long runs, I find them really calming and peaceful.
One other thing that I’m doing this semester, is taking part in one of the biggest and most popular events that Georgetown puts on each year, and that is Rangila – our South Asian dance show. I am by no means a dancer – in fact, the last time I danced in a show was in a ballet show in elementary school. But, I really wanted to take the opportunity to do something like this that I’m not going to do after graduation. Seeing the show in the past has made me feel proud of the South Asian part of my culture (which is one of the few times I’ve really felt this in popular culture) and I really wanted the opportunity to be a part of that. Not going to lie, the practices have been killing me, as they are from 9pm-midnight and as I said above, I’m just extra tired all the time now.
Oh. This is definitely one that I don’t love. This semester my classes aren’t particularly challenging (or riveting tbh) but the one class that I’m taking that really takes it out of me is an economics class which is very coding heavy. I have never been a coder nor will I probably ever be. It’s something that I want to get better at and I always think to myself, “if everyone else can do it, why can’t I?” I don’t know, I’m not one to give up easily, and I am slowly but surely making my way through this class. But let’s just say that I’m not a natural born coder. The reason I can spend hours everyday on this and practically my whole weekend doing this is because I know it will be useful in the future.
Social Life and Life
Since I’m a senior, I’ll be honest, the stakes are not that high. I’m taking a normal amount of classes and still for some reason have absolutely no free time (why? Idk) but things are not as stressful as they were in the past. Because of this, I think I keep adding to my social life because I’m not as busy and stressed as I was in past years. The trouble with this is that now I am busy and stressed but because I’m having too much fun and have the opportunity to mix general life with social life – it’s like I want myself to be busy! This semester has been really fun so far, indulging in cute plans like weeknight dinners with friends, long farmer’s market lunches on Wednesdays, and lots of coffee dates. It’s been a good vibe, but it’s difficult getting into a groove balancing it all.

Living in a house
Living in a house has been so much fun! I lived in this house over the summer with some of the same people, but being in a house full of girls is something that I know I won’t have the opportunity to do ever again. Yeah, sometimes we’re all busy and stressed, but for the most part it’s really nice to come home from school and just be able to sit on the sofa and spontaneously chat to my best friends. Or to be cooking dinner at the same time and messing around together. I also just can’t explain how much of an upgrade living in a cute Georgetown townhouse is to living in the dorms – having my own space makes such a difference to my school experience. Also, living in a house just feels more real; this past Friday I made dinner, got cozy in the living room and then made banana bread spontaneously – there’s no way that I would have done that living in the dorms.

There you go, there’s a little window into my life recently and some of the things I’m loving and not loving so much. What are some of your “life recently” items? Let me know in the comments!
See you soon,