Girls Trip


March 17, 2024

I guess I did what I said I wasn’t going to do again and I disappeared from this blog for two weeks – oops! But, I disappeared for a good reason, I was on my final college Spring Break so there wasn’t much time for writing blog posts, but I’m back now to give all the updates. I’ve taken small trips with my college friends just going to people’s hometowns for the weekend and even a little NYC trip, but this Spring Break was the first time that I took a full blown girls trip with my college friends and we went all the way to Copenhagen!

I had such a good week with my friends exploring a new city and it made me reflect a lot on the friendships I’ve made while I’m at college and how lucky I was to go on a trip like this before graduation. It made me think a lot about what life will look like postgrad and how my friendships will change; it’s kind of scary to think about how we’re all going our separate ways after this May and we won’t ever really have the opportunity to all take a week off at the same time (or at least it won’t be easy to coordinate) – a very emotional thought!

It felt really full circle to take a trip with these girls who I met four years ago over Zoom during the pandemic. I met most of them during our freshmen year of college when we were doing the year virtually, all from our homes in different parts of the world. It is just such a crazy thought to think about the fact that I used to get on Zoom back in Dubai and still be slightly nervous about the prospect of talking to a new friend for the first time, and now we’re here four years down the line, having experienced the highs and lows of college and are able to all take the time to travel the world together. I feel as though taking that trip made me step back and think about just how powerful those friendships that you build in college really are; you’re basically building your family out here in a new place.

So I guess this post is a little tribute to the friends I’ve made at college; I want to write more about this as I get closer to graduation and share some little stories with you all on here. I think that we often think about college just as a place to go and get a degree but the reality is that that’s only a very small part of the experience. In previous blog posts I’ve talked about how at college I’ve also learned how to be an adult and take care of myself, but college has also taught me a lot about friendships and relationships. I remember when I first moved away from home feeling like I had lost that safety net of the people who I felt truly comfortable around, which was my family, and that was a very scary feeling at first. But I think it’s so wonderful how over the past four years I’ve met lots of different people and formed these connections with friends who now are basically my family out here. I think that the friendships that you make at college also teach you a lot about yourself as you’re going through this important transition in life, which is something I want to write about in a future post as well.

So here’s a tribute to those college friends who hold a very special place in your heart! If you’ve been out of college for a while and haven’t been in touch with those friends for a little bit, send this post to them and tell them how much you appreciate them!

See you next week,

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