Staying entertained at home! Arts-and-crafts


October 10, 2020

Let’s face it, being at home every single day doing online college classes can get very boring! There comes a point when you’re just sick of working, watching Netflix, exercising, and you can’t possibly take any more naps. So what can you do? Well, in this ongoing series on my blog I’ll be sharing some fun activities that you can do safely during the pandemic to escape from the monotony of working from home.

Before the pandemic hit, I had planned to go to a craft class run by Turquoise Boutique Studio with a couple of friends. I love doing anything based around arts-and-crafts, you can probably tell because I have my own illustration store! However, when the UAE went into lockdown that obviously got cancelled. Turquoise Boutique Studio actually started creating at home DIY craft kits and were nice enough to gift me one to try!

Taking a break from my screen can be difficult. All my classes are online, my work for Wildflower Studios is all digital, and if I do any reading for fun I also do that on my iPad. It’s a lot of screen time! So taking some time out of my day to do this craft kit was such a nice break! Doing arts-and-crafts is not only a nice break from the screen, but it also reminds me a lot of when I was little. When I was younger I loved doing art and I would watch so many YouTube DIY videos and try them all out. None of my creations were ever that great, but it was just fun to do! I have do say, doing this DIY kit all these years later kind of brought me back to that time!

I got a DIY kit to create a rainbow wall hanging which actually turned out pretty good if I do say so myself! Turquoise Boutique Studio has a bunch of DIY kits you can choose from, and hopefully once the pandemic is over they will be able to have in-person sessions again – I know I’ll definitely be booking a spot at one of them! Here are some photos of what I made…

If you live in the UAE be sure to check out Turquoise Boutique Studio to purchase your own DIY kit. Not only is it a great break at home for adults or kids, but you’re also supporting an awesome small business! If you’re not in the UAE I still highly recommend arts and crafts as a therapeutic break from work and there are lots of YouTube videos or DIY kits all around the world!

Let me know what you end up crafting!

See you next week,

Little Miss Expat

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