I’ve done a few of these posts in the past. I did one during my first ever semester of college, another during my second semester online, and then one last semester once I was finally on campus, but I feel as though this is the semester I finally have a routine that I feel really good about. I’m definitely super busy, but I think I’ve become good at managing that stress and scheduling time for myself to de-stress and relax.
I love watching these types of vlogs or reading these types of blog posts, so I thought I’d take you along on a typical week with me! One thing about me is that I’m obsessed with my Google Calendar; I’m a really visual person, so I like to schedule everything there (even if it’s just a movie night with friends or time to get ready in the morning) so that I can see what blocks of time I have available for other things. That’s why I thought it was fitting to show you a week in my life by showing you my Google Calendar. I’m also definitely a creature of habit and like to plan things out in advance, so you might look through this post and think I’m a little obsessive, but it’s what works for me!
I have one major and a double minor and I’m heavily involved in a pre-professional club and run this blog in my free time, so I feel as though I have a pretty busy semester. There are definitely people at Georgetown who do more! But that’s to say that you’ll see in this post that I do a lot of studying haha. I like to be prepared and on top of my work – I can’t handle last-minute stresses and cramming, so that’s why you’ll see a lot of study time scheduled in this post.
I’ve also worked out from trial and error in the first semester that I prefer to do work during the day and then do fun social things in the evenings. I hate being stressed about assignments before I go to sleep, so I’ve learned that it works better for me if I do the work during the day and then spend time with friends in the evening. I also like to get up around the same time every day and sleep around the same time every day because, as I said, I like routine and habit and I need my full 8 hours of sleep a night!
Anyways, here’s my typical week!

See you next week,